Powerful Placement • Powerful Presence

Lighten your Load

Yesterday, as I was getting ready to get out of my car to go into a local cafe, I looked into my briefcase to see if I could lighten my load.  I had left my home at 8:30 AM and did not expect to be home until 7:00 PM.  I had packed for a day that included eight stops along the way; some of them were meetings, some were errands and some were a part of my health maintenance program.

As I was getting ready for my lunch break in the environment that I call my lunch oasis, I lightened my load.  I took in only what was necessary: my purse, my writing  materials and the morning paper.  The rest stayed in the car.  I was unencumbered with unnecessary “stuff” and I was ready to nourish myself and take pause.

I thought of how many situations I am in, daily, and how I might be taking too much along with me.  I am talking about the area above my eyes, the place where my thoughts live and the internal conversations that take place.  I decided to manufacture a personal dust buster and cleanse the corners of my mind and everything in between.  I decided to create a template for each new experience so I could be fully present.

As a result, I was able to enjoy watching the servers engage with the public as they took orders, observe others who were enjoying their meals and conversations, read my paper and write.  My lunch was excellent.

In the past, when my load has been heavy, I have been less appreciative of any noise, any delay in getting my food and a bit prickly.

Cleansing my mind, even to eat lunch and relax, feels like a good idea.  I think that it will assist me to be a part of something bigger than myself and to be more allowing and more effectively hear others or take in my surroundings.

I think I will feel free. Lighter.  More appreciative and available.  I think I will do this. Perhaps you will try it, too.

Let’s see what happens.




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Dale Dillon
13 years ago

What a nice idea! I intend to follow your lead and lighten my load. I’m relieved just thinking about it!

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