One day, I was cleaning my piano and thinking. I was thinking about all of the work that I have done for myself and others that has defined the distinction between holding on to something and cherishing something. This often comes into the process when I visit people in their environments, personal and professional, and we, together, assess the appropriateness of current possessions in their lives. The ultimate goal is to reach congruency with present time.
As I was cleaning my piano, I found myself using Q-tips and being very determined to not only capture every speck of dust so it was clean, but also to honor it as my treasured possession. I thought of all of the possessions that I had cleansed over the years, keeping them in good order, even the ones that I do not use everyday. They are a part of my history and when I see them, I light up. The others have been recycled, repurposed and repossessed by those who will appreciate them.
Shortly after this pondering cleanse, I was talking to my mother on the phone and she said, “I am so glad that you kept the piano because I went to work so that you could have it. That is what your dad and I did; when we needed something, I went to work.”
And there it was, the essence of the piano, the holder of deep love and sacrifice and the joy that was created as its sound lilted through the house on Melhorn Drive in Alhambra, California. I could surrender the mystery of why I was driven through every move I have made, to always, always, keep the piano with me.
I also have my great grandmother’s well oiled mortar and pestle and my mother’s punch bowl. These will always be with me. I remember the punch bowl at all of the showers we had in the family for babies and weddings and I remember longing to have it be a part of my celebrations. And it will be a part of my daughter’s and son’s as well.
Tradition. Treasures. Trust. Holding space for special; making room for cherishing.
I encourage you to hone your trust level when you are decluttering; there is a reason for holding on to anything and anyone. The reason may be revealed to you as mine was to me. Just make sure that cherishing is there. It adds an authentic warmth to your choice and creates a mirror of your values.
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This is so wonderful, I have to share it! The timing is perfect for me as I simultaneously am “repurposing” my parent’s household items and thinking about my own as we prepare to downsize.