The people who believe in you build you.
Brick by brick
Piece by piece
Thought by thought
Touch by touch
They are always there, cushioning you through each phase in your life and providing a safe harbor for your hopes and dreams.
The people who believe in you build you.
Hands held, deep moist eyes meeting yours, telling you “You can do this.”
The people who believe in you build you. Their influence makes it possible for you to believe in another. And that other builds another. Until there is a city of souls, one standing on the shoulders of another, built on belief. Endless faith.
The people who believe in you build you. Strength internalized, the path clear, their belief becomes the mortar of your life. You become a skyscraper of trust and step into the unknown.
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Ellen, this is such a powerful blog! Today’s blog is especially meaningful. Often, when we think of a new project, we think in terms of doing it all by ourselves. Nothing ever happens that way! Then, we think it will be too hard, take too much time or cost too much money. So we abandon the project. Because it was “all about me.”
When people believe in us and what we do, they share their energy with us. Just hearing someone say, “You can do it!” makes the idea or project seem possible. With this energy shift, it gets done! And the celebrating begins!
Donna M. Reed
Strategy Coach, Facilitator, Author
Tools For Achievers