Powerful Placement • Powerful Presence

Thick Skin


Sometimes, I zest an orange for a cranberry bread and then put it in the refrigerator.  I always think I am going to remember, but I forget, and then it looks as if it cannot be revived until…I cut into it.  There, beneath that tough skin is a juicy, soft interior.

I am thinking of the times I have had to grow a thick skin on the outside while always knowing that my softness and yielding is my real strength.

My willingness to bend and flow far surpasses the hard shell on the outside. Because that’s what gets you to love and your heart.

The strength is in the yield.  Yield to strength.  Yield to good.  Yield to kind.

Embrace the bend. Go.


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Kathy Hoyer
8 years ago

Embrace the bend…well Ellen this more or less says it all. Not to embrace is to be ridged and that will not be helpful. Thanks Ellen for these wise taoist thoughts.
xo k

8 years ago

Well, Kathy, so glad to know that this struck a chord…thanks for taking the time to read.

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